Barbers of the Month: Gentleman and Rogues Club Pokesdown

Barbershop: Gentleman and Rogues Club Pokesdown
Location: Bournemouth
Instagram Handle: @gentlemanandroguesclubpokes
How would you describe your shops vibe?
A hangout! My aim was to create a community feel within the barbershop
What’s your most popular cut at the moment?
I would say the cut increasing in popularity at the moment is definitely the mullet!
Tell us something we don’t know about Uppercut Deluxe products?
Combined with a cut from the boys in the shop, you’ll increase your chances of getting laid!
Who is your favorite artist to spin in the shop?
I have a very eclectic taste and the shop playlist is no exception. however, if i had to choose one artist it would be ‘Graveyard’ (there not as heavy as the band name sounds!)
What’s your favorite style to cut?
Now I’m really into to doing sharp modern cuts, I’m doing a lot more afro hair. But textured crops look sick.
What’s the best tip for someone visiting you area?
A normal response would be to go check out the beaches. But a place called Boscombe is a great eye opener, mad heads everywhere. I was once getting a coffee and there was a pig running down the high street!
What’s the best advice for your client before walking in?
You better be okay with dogs! I have an English Bulldog that’s in the shop with me most days.
Who is your biggest barbering influence
I believe there’s a lot of good barbers out there skill wise, that aren’t necessarily on social media platforms. But for branding themselves and building cool shops is definitely Paul Hewitt. I’ve heard he’s got hustle too, which I feel I’ve got aswell.
What is your favourite shop (other than your own)?
All the Liem’s Barbershops in Vietnam. Was lucky enough to have Liem himself take me round some of his shops whilst travelling South East Asia.
Why did you get into Barbering
Just so I could just get as many tattoo’s as i wanted! No, I’m only joking (sort of). After spending time in the military I wanted a job that was completely the opposite and gave me a lot of freedom! Also having a father that is an artist I was something that would fulfil my creative side.