Barbers of the Month: Stay True Barbershop

Stay True Barbershop - Uppercut Deluxe Barbers of the Month

Address: 22 Technology Way Nashua NH 03060


Instagram: @staytruebarbershop

We caught up with @coreystaytrue    from Stay True Barbershop one of our Barbers of the Month. Check out what he had to say.

Who is your biggest barbering influence?

My biggest barbering influence would be Shane Nesbitt. He works harder than anyone I've met thus far in this industry including working 14+ hours days while needing back surgery. His level of service is incomparable his passion for the industry is immeasurable and he's always been willing to help answer any questions I've had about owning a shop or cutting hair.

What is your favourite shop (other than your own)?

Right now there are so many amazing barbershops out there and I've been fortunate enough to be able to visit some of them. The first one coming to mind would be Electric Barbershop Ron and Roman have an amazing crew of barbers working with them the shop and surrounding area are beautiful the style and vibe are everything you'd expect from those guys.

Why did you get into Barbering?

I got into barbering after spending 6 years doing retail management. I was going to my barber Josh at Lucky's Barbershop an hour away from me once every 3-4 weeks for about 5 years and wanted something better. He and I had a long conversation about the industry and he told me where would be best to go to school. I spent the next 5.5 months working overnights Sunday through Thursday and going to school during the day Monday-Saturday getting 2-3 hours of sleep a night and commuting an hour each way to and from school. All the work and sleepless nights were well worth the pay off I love my job every day!

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